132 research outputs found

    Experimental analysis of micro-cracks on the change of moisture transport properties of AAC

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    In this paper, series of experiment measurements is carried out in order to study effect of freeze/thaw loading on the change of moisture transport properties of autoclaved aerated concrete. The samples were subjected to 15, 30 and 45 freeze/thaw cycles and subsequently basic physical properties, pore size distribution and water vapor and liquid water transport properties were investigated. The results showed significant changes in material properties of the material. The results of this research can be further implemented into computational models in order to bring the simulation results closer to the reality

    History of Znojmo's brewery (1363-2010)

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    Historie znojemského pivovaru (1363-2010) - abstrakt Obsahem mé bakalářské práce je kompletní historie a stavební vývoj v letech 1720 - 2010 jediného zbývajícího, dnes již nefunkčního, znojemského pivovaru. Zároveň tato práce popisuje dějiny pivovarnictví ve Znojmě, a to od prvních zmínek ze 13. století, (s důrazem na rok 1363, který se stal pro znojemské pivovarnictví legendárním), až do roku 2010, kdy byl jediný znojemský pivovar kompletně uzavřen a tradice vaření piva ve Znojmě, trvající téměř 700 let, byla přerušena. Další kapitoly popisují např. původ jména Hostan, současného názvu znojemského piva, věnují se všem produktům, kdysi vyráběným ve znojemském pivovaru, či titulům a oceněním, které dříve věhlasně dobré znojemské pivo Hostan nasbíralo po celé České republice. V neposlední řadě práce kompletně shrnuje všechny ročníky novodobé tradice "Pivních slavností", která díky pivovaru vznikla, a která s ním nyní také skončila. Vše je doprovázeno dobovými fotografiemi, otisky nejstarších listin, portréty důležitých osobností, grafy produkce piva ve Znojmě v průběhu času, fotografiemi exteriérů a interiérů všech budov, atd. Tato bakalářská práce je první kompletně souhrnou prací, samostatně pojednávající o bývalém znojemském pivovaru (Hostan). Klíčová slova: Hostan, Morava, Pivovarnictví, Pivovar, Znojmo.History of Znojmo's brewery (1363-2010) - abstract The content of this Bachelor Degree Thesis is the complete history and building development of the only remaining Znojmo brewery in the period of 1720 to 2010, a brewery that is no longer operating. At the same time, this thesis describes the history of brewing in Znojmo begining from the first sings in the 13th century (emphasising 1363 which was a legendary year for Znojmo's brewing) till 2010 when the last brewery in Znojmo was completely closed and the tradition of brewing in Znojmo lasting for almost 700 years was interrupted. The following chapters describe for example the origin of the name "Hostan", the present name of Znojmo's beer, concentrating to all products, once produced in Znojmo brewery, and awards that once famously delicious Znojmo's beer Hostan received all round the Czech Republic. The thesis completely summarizes all the years of Beer Festival - a modern tradition that arose thanks to the existence of brewery and ceased, when the brewery was closed. Everything is accompanied with period photographs, copies of old documents, portraits of important celebrities, graphs indicating beer production in Znojmo in the course of time, exterior and interior photographs of all buildings, etc. This Bachelor Degree Thesis is the first completely...Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisuFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    The law of business corporations riding on the wave of digitalisation

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    The law of business corporations riding on the wave of digitalisation The topic of this diploma thesis is the law of business corporations riding on the wave of digitalisation. Due to the spread of the topic, the author decided to narrow it down. Therefore, the thesis focuses solely on online establishment of a limited liability company in the Czech Republic and attempts to answer the question if any limited liability company in the Czech Republic can be established online within several minutes. The thesis is divided into three main chapters. In the first chapter the reader is provided with an insight into the legal regulation of electronic identification by the virtue of electronic identification being the key for digitalisation of this part of the company law. Its near future is also partly explained in this thesis due to the fact that the legal regulation of electronic identification and thus its technical side will most likely undergo major changes in the next few months. The second chapter is dedicated to the amendment of the notary code, which introduced the possibility of writing a notary record in an electronic form. This option for notaries is the second key innovation that enables the establishment of a limited liability company in the Czech Republic online. However, in this chapter the...Právo obchodních korporací na vlně digitalizace Tématem této práce je právo obchodních korporací na vlně digitalizace. Autor práce vzhledem k šíři tématu zaměření práce zúžil a ta se tedy věnuje pouze vzniku společnosti s ručením omezeným online. Jejím zaměřením je tak především popsat digitalizovaný proces, kterým musí projít každá online vznikající společnost s ručením omezeným, a dále odpovědět na otázku, zda může v České republice vzniknout společnost s ručením omezeným online v řádu minut. Práce je rozdělená do třech hlavních částí. V první části je čtenáři poskytnut vhled do právní úpravy elektronické identifikace, která je pro digitalizaci zmíněného procesu nezbytná. Především potom práce řeší prostředky a systémy elektronické identifikace. Částečně je v práci přiblížena i její blízká budoucnost, neboť právní úprava elektronické identifikace a tím i její technická stránka v blízké době pravděpodobně dozná značných změn. Druhá část je věnována novele notářského řádu, která přinesla možnost sepsání notářského zápisu v elektronické podobě. Tato možnost je po využití elektronické identifikace druhou klíčovou novinkou, jež umožnila vznik společnosti s ručením omezeným online. Zároveň však práce upozorní na některé právní instituty, které se vlivem této novely staly potenciálně nebezpečnými pro...Katedra obchodního právaDepartment of Business LawFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Thorax measurement and analysis using electrical impedance tomography

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    The article deals with a novel method of visualizing interior of an object based on the measurements made on the boundary. Although an electrical impedance tomography is well established in areas where reference measurement can be easily made (difference method), it is still rather a theoretical approach for areas where reference cannot be taken (mainly in medicine). We have made a thorax measurement using difference method. The results show that electrical impedance tomography can provide valuable information for thorax visualization


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    Hydrogen content is a very important parameter for mechanical properties of fuel cladding, especially after LOCA transients. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the amount of hydrogen absorbed in the fuel cladding during normal operation (before a hypothetical LOCA). The required value of hydrogen content is possible to reach by a long-term pre-oxidation test or a much shorter hydrogen charging experiment. The methodology of hydrogen charging developed in UJP is described in this contribution. Results of experiments aiming to prepare samples with uniform hydrides and samples with a rim-layer and other hydrides are shown

    Genome fractionation and loss of heterozygosity in hybrids and polyploids: Mechanisms, consequences for selection, and link to gene function

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    Hybridization and genome duplication have played crucial roles in the evolution of many animal and plant taxa. The subgenomes of parental species undergo considerable changes in hybrids and polyploids, which often selectively eliminate segments of one subgenome. However, the mechanisms underlying these changes are not well understood, particularly when the hybridization is linked with asexual reproduction that opens up unexpected evolutionary pathways. To elucidate this problem, we compared published cytogenetic and RNAseq data with exome sequences of asexual diploid and polyploid hybrids between three fish species; Cobitis elongatoides, C taenia, and C tanaitica. Clonal genomes remained generally static at chromosome-scale levels but their heterozygosity gradually deteriorated at the level of individual genes owing to allelic deletions and conversions. Interestingly, the impact of both processes varies among animals and genomic regions depending on ploidy level and the properties of affected genes. Namely, polyploids were more tolerant to deletions than diploid asexuals where conversions prevailed, and genomic restructuring events accumulated preferentially in genes characterized by high transcription levels and GC-content, strong purifying selection and specific functions like interacting with intracellular membranes. Although hybrids were phenotypically more similar to C taenia, we found that they preferentially retained C elongatoides alleles. This demonstrates that favored subgenome is not necessarily the transcriptionally dominant one. This study demonstrated that subgenomes in asexual hybrids and polyploids evolve under a complex interplay of selection and several molecular mechanisms whose efficiency depends on the organism's ploidy level, as well as functional properties and parental ancestry of the genomic region.Web of Science38125274525

    Service Life Assessment of Historical Building Envelopes Constructed Using Different Types of Sandstone: A Computational Analysis Based on Experimental Input Data

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    Service life assessment of three historical building envelopes constructed using different types of sandstone is presented. At first, experimental measurements of material parameters of sandstones are performed to provide the necessary input data for a subsequent computational analysis. In the second step, the moisture and temperature fields across the studied envelopes are calculated for a representative period of time. The computations are performed using dynamic climatic data as the boundary conditions on the exterior side of building envelope. The climatic data for three characteristic localities are experimentally determined by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and contain hourly values of temperature, relative humidity, rainfalls, wind velocity and direction, and sun radiation. Using the measured durability properties of the analyzed sandstones and the calculated numbers of freeze/thaw cycles under different climatic conditions, the service life of the investigated building envelopes is assessed. The obtained results show that the climatic conditions can play a very significant role in the service life assessment of historical buildings, even in the conditions of such a small country as the Czech Republic. In addition, the investigations reveal the importance of the material characteristics of sandstones, in particular the hygric properties, on their service life in a structure